A comparative look at NPP and NDC’s 2024 manifestos: A policy showdown for Ghana’s future

As Ghana approaches its 2024 elections, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the National Democratic Congress (NDC) have unveiled their manifestos, offering voters distinct visions for the nation’s future. Both parties emphasise job creation, with the NPP targeting one million jobs through digital skills, construction, and agribusiness, while the NDC focusses on industrialisation and agriculture. … The post A comparative look at NPP and NDC’s 2024 manifestos: A policy showdown for Ghana’s future appeared first on Asaase Radio.

Aug 26, 2024 - 10:45
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A comparative look at NPP and NDC’s 2024 manifestos:  A policy showdown for Ghana’s future

As Ghana approaches its 2024 elections, the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the National Democratic Congress (NDC) have unveiled their manifestos, offering voters distinct visions for the nation’s future.

Both parties emphasise job creation, with the NPP targeting one million jobs through digital skills, construction, and agribusiness, while the NDC focusses on industrialisation and agriculture. In education, both parties aim to expand and enhance the Free SHS programme, though the NDC proposes a review to address inefficiencies.

Healthcare remains a priority for both, with NPP committed to completing Agenda 111 hospitals and expanding the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS), while NDC aims to provide universal healthcare coverage with an improved NHIS.

Infrastructure development is another common focus, with the NPP emphasising the completion of ongoing projects and the NDC introducing the “Big Push” initiative—a $10 billion infrastructure plan aimed at accelerating national growth.

On economic strategy, NPP leans towards building a world-class digital economy, while NDC emphasises a 24-hour economy driven by manufacturing and agriculture. Their approaches to taxation also differ, with the NPP proposing a flat tax system and the NDC focusing on progressive taxation.

As the election draws near, Ghanaians face a critical choice between these two comprehensive strategies, each promising a path towards a prosperous future.

This paper highlights the key policy areas and differences from both the NPP and NDC manifestos, giving readers a succinct overview of their platforms as they head into the 2024 elections, as shown in the table below.

Table of Similarities in Policies

Policy Area

NPP Manifesto Highlights

NDC Manifesto Abridged

Job Creation

Both parties emphasize job creation, particularly for the youth. NPP commits to creating 1 million youth jobs in digital skills, construction, industrialization, and agribusiness.

NDC focuses on creating jobs through industrialization and expanding opportunities for the youth.


Both manifestos highlight the expansion of educational opportunities, with a focus on improving access and quality.

Both parties are committed to enhancing the Free SHS program and expanding tertiary education.


Both parties aim to improve healthcare services and infrastructure. NPP plans to complete all Agenda 111 hospitals.

NDC plans to provide universal healthcare coverage and improve the NHIS.

Infrastructure Development

Both parties emphasize expanding and maintaining infrastructure, including roads, hospitals, and schools.

NDC also prioritizes infrastructure development, with specific attention to transportation and urban development.

Support for Women and Girls

Both manifestos include policies aimed at empowering women and girls. NPP plans to implement Affirmative Action for women and girls.

NDC plans to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in various sectors.

Environmental Protection

Both parties are committed to environmental protection, including reforestation and sustainable mining practices.

NDC emphasizes climate action, environmental sustainability, and promoting green jobs.



Table of Differences in Policies

Policy Area

NPP Manifesto Highlights

NDC Manifesto Abridged

Economic Focus

NPP focuses on building a world-class digital economy, reducing the cost of living through tax reforms, and creating a flat rate tax system.

NDC emphasizes 24hours Economy, industrialization, particularly in manufacturing and agriculture, as the main drivers of economic growth.


NPP plans to implement wide-ranging tax reforms, including a flat rate tax for importers and the abolition of the betting tax.

NDC plans to review some taxes, focusing on progressive taxation to fund social programs.

Energy Policy

NPP emphasizes renewable energy, particularly solar power, and plans to bring 2,000 MW of solar power on stream.

NDC focuses on diversifying energy sources but emphasizes the development of hydro and thermal power plants.


NPP highlights the creation of a digital economy with policies like e-residency and a national robotics lab.

NDC mentions digitalization as part of overall modernization but does not emphasize it as strongly as NPP.

National Security

NPP plans to recruit and deploy 20,000 more security personnel and roll out 50,000 anti-crime cameras.

NDC focuses on restructuring the security services and increasing investment in intelligence and crime prevention.


NPP aims to provide various types of affordable housing, including rent-to-own schemes.

NDC focuses more on social housing and expanding existing public housing projects.

This table provides a detailed comparison of the economic focus of the NPP and NDC, highlighting their priorities and strategies for driving economic growth and development in Ghana.


Policy Area

NPP Manifesto

NDC Manifesto

Main Economic Strategy

Focus on building a world-class digital economy to drive growth, innovation, and efficiency.

Emphasis on 24 hours Economy, industrialization as the main driver of economic growth, particularly in manufacturing and agriculture.

Taxation Approach

Implementation of wide-ranging tax reforms, including a flat rate tax system and the abolition of certain taxes.

Plans to scrap draconian taxes and reform the VAT regime, focusing on progressive taxation to fund social programs.

Job Creation

Creation of 1 million jobs focusing on digital skills, construction, industrialization, and agribusiness.

Emphasizes job creation through industrialization, with a focus on expanding opportunities in manufacturing and agriculture.

Digital Economy

Strong focus on digitization, including the establishment of a digital economy with policies like e-residency and a national robotics lab.

Mentions digitalization as part of modernization efforts but does not emphasize it as strongly as the NPP.


Supports industrialization, particularly in agribusiness and manufacturing, as part of the broader economic strategy.

Central focus on industrialization to boost economic growth, with specific initiatives in manufacturing and agriculture.

Infrastructure Investment

Significant investment in infrastructure, including the completion of ongoing projects and the development of new ones to support economic growth.

Similar focus on infrastructure, particularly in transportation, energy, and urban development to facilitate industrial growth.

Energy Policy

Focus on renewable energy, with plans to bring 2,000 MW of solar power on stream and reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

Emphasis on diversifying energy sources, with a focus on hydro and thermal power plants to ensure energy security.

Private Sector Development

Promote private sector growth through various incentives, including tax cuts, easier access to finance, and support for startups.

Support for private sector development through industrial policy and financial incentives, with a focus on SMEs.

Foreign Investment

Attract foreign direct investment by creating a conducive business environment through policy reforms and incentives.

Similar focus on attracting foreign investment, with specific initiatives to support sectors like manufacturing and agriculture.

Social Protection Programs

Continue and expand existing social protection programs such as Free SHS and LEAP, with a focus on sustainability.

Expand social protection programs, including healthcare and education, funded through progressive taxation and efficient resource allocation.


This table summarizes the key differences and similarities in the taxation policies proposed by the NPP and NDC in their respective manifestos for the 2024 elections.


Table: Comparison of Taxation Policies

Policy Area

NPP Manifesto

NDC Manifesto

Flat Rate Tax System

Introduce a flat rate tax system like Estonia’s model to simplify tax administration.

No specific mention of a flat rate tax system.

Tax Amnesty

Offer a one-time tax amnesty, waiving interest and penalties for past non-compliance.

No mention of a tax amnesty.

Withholding Tax (WHT) Reduction

Reduce WHT for small-scale gold exports to 1% to discourage smuggling.

No specific mention of WHT reduction.

Betting Tax

Abolish the betting tax.

Plans to scrap the 10% levy on bet winnings within the first 100 days.

Digitization of Tax Administration

Focus on digitizing tax administration to reduce leakages, improve efficiency, and ease the filing process.

No specific mention of digitizing tax administration.

Harmonization of Port Charges

Harmonize port charges to align them with regional competitors to make duties at Ghanaian ports competitive.

Rationalize port fees and charges to reduce the burden on importers and ordinary Ghanaians.

Broaden the Tax Base

Leverage digitalization to capture more eligible taxpayers and reduce pressure on existing taxpayers.

No specific mention of broadening the tax base through digitalization.

Scrapping Draconian Taxes

No mention of scrapping existing taxes.

Plans to scrap the E-Levy, COVID levy, emissions levy, and import duties on industrial and agricultural equipment.

VAT Reform

No specific VAT reform mentioned.

Proposes a comprehensive VAT reform, including reversing decoupling of GETFund and NHIL from VAT, and adjusting the VAT registration threshold.

Price Stabilization and Recovery Levy

No mention of this levy.

Apply the Price Stabilization and Recovery Levy on fuel to cushion consumers against fluctuating fuel prices.


This table provides a detailed comparison of the energy policies of the NPP and NDC, highlighting their approaches to renewable energy, energy security, infrastructure, and other key areas within the energy sector.


Table: Energy Focus of NPP and NDC

Policy Area

NPP Manifesto

NDC Manifesto

Renewable Energy

The NPP focuses heavily on renewable energy, with a specific plan to bring 2,000 MW of solar power into the grid. They emphasize reducing reliance on fossil fuels and transitioning to more sustainable energy sources.

The NDC also supports renewable energy but places a stronger emphasis on hydro and thermal power as the primary sources of energy. They aim to diversify energy sources while ensuring reliability and sustainability.

Energy Security

The NPP plans to improve energy security by enhancing the reliability and efficiency of the national grid, investing in infrastructure to support the integration of renewable energy.

The NDC emphasizes energy security by ensuring a stable and reliable supply of power through investments in hydro, thermal, and renewable energy sources, along with upgrading existing infrastructure.

Energy Infrastructure

The NPP is committed to expanding and modernizing the energy infrastructure to support the growing demand and the integration of renewable energy. This includes upgrading the transmission network and expanding the grid to underserved areas.

The NDC plans to continue investing in energy infrastructure, with a focus on modernizing power plants, improving transmission lines, and expanding access to electricity in rural areas. They also plan to support local content in energy projects.

Oil and Gas Sector

The NPP plans to enhance the oil and gas sector by attracting more investments, improving local participation, and optimizing production efficiency. They aim to use revenues from oil and gas to support economic diversification.

The NDC focuses on optimizing the oil and gas sector for national development, with policies aimed at maximizing local content, ensuring environmental sustainability, and using oil revenues to fund social and infrastructure projects.

Energy Pricing and Subsidies

The NPP intends to implement a transparent and efficient pricing system for energy, with minimal subsidies, aiming for cost-reflective tariffs that encourage investment in the sector.

The NDC proposes to review the energy pricing system to make it more equitable and sustainable, with targeted subsidies to support vulnerable groups and ensure affordability of energy for all.

Energy Efficiency

The NPP promotes energy efficiency across all sectors, encouraging the adoption of energy-saving technologies and practices to reduce overall consumption and enhance sustainability.

The NDC also emphasizes energy efficiency, particularly in government buildings, industries, and households, to reduce wastage and ensure optimal use of resources. They plan to introduce policies that incentivize energy-efficient practices.

Local Content in Energy Projects

The NPP supports increasing local content in energy projects by promoting local participation in energy production and distribution. They plan to build local capacity and create jobs in the energy sector.

The NDC emphasizes local content as a cornerstone of their energy policy, aiming to ensure that Ghanaians benefit directly from energy projects through employment and the development of local industries.

Climate Change and Energy

The NPP integrates climate change considerations into their energy policies, focusing on reducing carbon emissions through the adoption of cleaner energy sources and technologies.

The NDC aligns their energy policies with broader climate goals, committing to reducing the carbon footprint of the energy sector and investing in green technologies to combat climate change.

This table provides a comprehensive comparison of the digitalization policies proposed by the NPP and NDC in their respective 2024 manifestos, highlighting their priorities and strategies for leveraging digital technology to drive economic and social development in Ghana.

Table: Digitalization Focus of NPP and NDC

Policy Area

NPP Manifesto

NDC Manifesto

Digital Economy

The NPP places a strong emphasis on building a world-class digital economy. Their plans include initiatives such as e-residency, digital platforms for government services, and a national robotics lab.

The NDC mentions digitalization as part of broader modernization efforts, focusing on leveraging technology to improve governance and public service delivery, but with less emphasis on creating a digital economy compared to the NPP.

E-Government and Public Services

The NPP aims to fully digitize government services, creating a more transparent, efficient, and accessible public sector. Initiatives include e-payments for government services, digital IDs, and blockchain integration for public records.

The NDC plans to improve e-governance by expanding digital access to public services, enhancing the efficiency and transparency of government operations, and reducing bureaucracy.

Education and Digital Skills

The NPP focuses on expanding digital education through initiatives like coding in schools, digital labs, and scholarships for ICT-related courses. They aim to prepare students for the digital economy.

The NDC also highlights digital education, aiming to incorporate ICT into the educational curriculum at all levels and providing training for teachers to enhance digital literacy among students.

Digital Infrastructure

The NPP commits to investing in digital infrastructure, including expanding high-speed internet access across the country, particularly in rural areas. They also plan to develop smart cities and digital hubs.

The NDC emphasizes the expansion of digital infrastructure, focusing on improving internet connectivity, especially in underserved areas, and upgrading the national ICT backbone to support digital initiatives.

Financial Technology (Fintech)

The NPP plans to promote fintech as a key part of their digitalization strategy, supporting the growth of digital payments, mobile money, and blockchain applications in finance.

The NDC also supports the growth of fintech, with an emphasis on expanding access to digital financial services for all Ghanaians, particularly in rural areas.


The NPP highlights the importance of cybersecurity in their digitalization agenda, planning to strengthen cybersecurity frameworks, protect critical infrastructure, and promote digital safety awareness.

The NDC focuses on improving cybersecurity by implementing stronger legal frameworks, enhancing the capabilities of national cybersecurity agencies, and ensuring the protection of personal and national data.

Business and Innovation

The NPP encourages digital entrepreneurship and innovation, offering incentives for tech startups, establishing innovation hubs, and promoting Ghana as a digital business hub in Africa.

The NDC supports innovation and entrepreneurship in the digital space, with plans to create an enabling environment for startups, particularly those focused on solving local problems through technology.

Digital Inclusion

The NPP is committed to ensuring digital inclusion, with initiatives to provide affordable internet access, distribute devices to underserved communities, and offer digital literacy programs for all citizens.

The NDC emphasizes digital inclusion by ensuring that all Ghanaians, regardless of location or economic status, have access to digital tools and services. This includes specific programs to bridge the digital divide in rural areas.

E-Commerce and Digital Trade

The NPP promotes e-commerce as part of their digital economy strategy, supporting online businesses and facilitating digital trade to boost the economy.

The NDC also supports e-commerce, aiming to create a conducive environment for online businesses and enhance the regulatory framework for digital trade.

This table provides a detailed comparison of the national security policies proposed by the NPP and NDC in their 2024 manifestos, highlighting their strategies for enhancing security, preventing threats, and maintaining peace and stability in Ghana.

Table: National Security Focus of NPP and NDC

Policy Area

NPP Manifesto

NDC Manifesto

Recruitment and Expansion of Security Forces

The NPP plans to recruit and deploy 20,000 more security personnel across various agencies, including the police, military, and immigration services. They aim to enhance the capacity of the security forces to address internal and external threats.

The NDC plans to restructure and expand the security services, focusing on increasing personnel in key areas such as counter-terrorism, cybercrime, and intelligence. They emphasize a more strategic deployment of resources to tackle emerging security challenges.

Technology and Surveillance

The NPP intends to roll out 50,000 anti-crime cameras across the country to improve surveillance and crime prevention. They also plan to invest in advanced technology to enhance the operational efficiency of security agencies.

The NDC emphasizes the use of modern technology in national security, including expanding surveillance capabilities, enhancing cybersecurity measures, and integrating technology into intelligence gathering and crime prevention strategies.


The NPP’s approach to counter-terrorism includes strengthening border security, enhancing intelligence sharing with international partners, and improving the capabilities of special forces to respond to threats.

The NDC prioritizes counter-terrorism by focusing on intelligence-led operations, enhancing collaboration with international security agencies, and increasing resources for counter-terrorism units to prevent and respond to threats effectively.


The NPP plans to strengthen cybersecurity frameworks to protect national infrastructure and citizen data from cyber threats. This includes expanding the cybersecurity workforce and improving the regulatory environment for digital security.

The NDC’s cybersecurity policy includes developing a comprehensive national cybersecurity strategy, improving the capabilities of the national cybersecurity authority, and investing in cyber defense technologies to protect against cyber attacks.

Border Security

The NPP aims to enhance border security by modernizing border posts, increasing patrols, and integrating advanced surveillance technology to prevent illegal cross-border activities.

The NDC plans to improve border security by deploying more resources to border regions, enhancing the capacity of border control agencies, and using technology to monitor and secure borders against smuggling and unauthorized entries.

Community Policing

The NPP emphasizes the expansion of community policing initiatives to build trust between the police and communities, thereby improving crime prevention and public safety.

The NDC also supports community policing, with plans to strengthen the relationship between law enforcement agencies and local communities, ensuring a more collaborative approach to maintaining law and order.

Military Modernization

The NPP plans to continue the modernization of the military, including the acquisition of advanced equipment, upgrading military infrastructure, and providing enhanced training programs for personnel.

The NDC aims to modernize the military by investing in new technologies, improving logistics and support systems, and ensuring that the armed forces are well-equipped to handle contemporary security challenges.

Intelligence Gathering

The NPP emphasizes improving intelligence gathering through better coordination between security agencies, enhanced training for intelligence officers, and the use of advanced surveillance and data analysis tools.

The NDC plans to strengthen intelligence gathering by enhancing the capabilities of intelligence agencies, increasing collaboration with international partners, and investing in new technologies for data collection and analysis.

Peace and Stability

The NPP highlights the importance of maintaining peace and stability, particularly in regions prone to conflict, through proactive engagement, conflict resolution initiatives, and enhanced security presence.

The NDC focuses on ensuring peace and stability by addressing the root causes of conflict, promoting social cohesion, and deploying security forces to prevent and manage conflicts in volatile areas.


This table provides a comprehensive comparison of the job creation policies proposed by the NPP and NDC in their 2024 manifestos, highlighting their approaches to generating employment opportunities across different sectors in Ghana.


Policy Area

NPP Manifesto

NDC Manifesto

Overall, Job Creation Strategy

The NPP aims to create 1 million jobs with a focus on sectors such as digital skills, construction, industrialization, and agribusiness. Their approach is heavily focused on leveraging technology and expanding key industries to drive job growth.

The NDC’s job creation strategy is centered around industrialization and agriculture, aiming to create sustainable jobs by expanding manufacturing, revamping existing industries, and supporting agricultural development.

Youth Employment

The NPP has a specific focus on youth employment, including initiatives like the “Youth in Digital Skills” program to equip young people with the necessary skills to thrive in the digital economy. They also plan to expand initiatives like the National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Plan (NEIP) to support young entrepreneurs.

The NDC also prioritizes youth employment, focusing on providing vocational and technical training, expanding the National Service Scheme to include more skills training, and creating job opportunities through industrial and agricultural expansion.

Digital Economy and Tech Jobs

A key component of the NPP’s job creation policy is building a digital economy. They plan to create numerous jobs in the tech sector, including software development, cybersecurity, and digital marketing. They also emphasize supporting startups and tech innovation hubs.

While the NDC acknowledges the importance of the digital economy, their focus is more on incorporating technology into existing sectors like manufacturing and agriculture rather than creating tech-specific jobs. Their emphasis is on using technology to enhance productivity and create jobs in traditional sectors.

Agribusiness and Agriculture

The NPP plans to create jobs in agribusiness by modernizing agriculture, expanding irrigation, and supporting the entire agricultural value chain. This includes providing financial support to agripreneurs and expanding agricultural exports.

The NDC’s job creation in agriculture is driven by plans to revamp the sector through mechanization, providing subsidies to farmers, and establishing agro-processing zones. They aim to create jobs at every stage of the agricultural value chain, from production to processing and distribution.

Industrialization and Manufacturing

The NPP supports industrialization as part of their job creation strategy, focusing on the “One District, One Factory” (1D1F) initiative to boost local manufacturing and create jobs across the country. They plan to enhance the initiative by providing more financial and technical support to industries.

The NDC places heavy emphasis on industrialization, with plans to expand and revive Ghana’s industrial base, focusing on manufacturing and agro-processing. They propose establishing industrial parks and providing incentives for local industries to expand, thus creating more jobs.

Construction and Infrastructure

The NPP plans to create jobs through infrastructure development, including road construction, housing projects, and the expansion of public infrastructure. These projects are expected to generate significant employment opportunities, especially for skilled and unskilled labor.

The NDC also highlights infrastructure development as a key job creation tool, with plans to build and rehabilitate roads, bridges, and public buildings. They emphasize using local labor and materials to maximize job creation within the construction sector.

Entrepreneurship Support

The NPP continues to support entrepreneurship through programs like the National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Plan (NEIP), which provides funding, training, and mentorship to startups and small businesses. They aim to create an enabling environment for entrepreneurs to thrive and create jobs.

The NDC also supports entrepreneurship, particularly in the areas of manufacturing and agribusiness. They plan to provide financial support, training, and infrastructure to entrepreneurs, with a focus on creating jobs and fostering innovation in key sectors.

Public Sector Employment

The NPP aims to limit the expansion of public sector employment, focusing instead on creating jobs in the private sector. However, they plan to enhance the efficiency of the public sector to support overall economic growth and job creation.

The NDC plans to expand public sector employment, particularly in areas like education, healthcare, and security services, to create jobs while addressing critical social needs. They also emphasize improving the working conditions and salaries of public sector employees.

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

The NPP supports the growth of SMEs as a major driver of job creation. They plan to provide tax incentives, easier access to finance, and capacity-building programs to help SMEs grow and create more jobs.

The NDC also focuses on SMEs as engines of job creation. They propose establishing a dedicated fund to support SME growth, providing low-interest loans, and offering tax relief to encourage the expansion and formalization of small businesses.


This table provides a detailed comparison of the education policies proposed by the NPP and NDC in their 2024 manifestos, highlighting their approaches to improving education at all levels in Ghana.


Table: Education Focus of NPP and NDC

Policy Area

NPP Manifesto

NDC Manifesto

Free SHS Program

The NPP is committed to continuing and expanding the Free Senior High School (SHS) program. They plan to address any challenges with infrastructure and quality to ensure that all eligible students have access to quality education.

The NDC acknowledges the importance of the Free SHS program but proposes a review and improvement to make it more efficient. They also emphasize eliminating double-track systems by improving infrastructure.

Tertiary Education

The NPP plans to improve access to tertiary education by expanding infrastructure, providing more scholarships, and enhancing student loan schemes. They aim to make tertiary education more affordable and accessible to a broader segment of the population.

The NDC proposes a People’s Manifesto Scholarship for tertiary students, focused on providing financial support based on merit and need. They also plan to establish new universities and upgrade existing ones to ensure quality tertiary education.

STEM Education

The NPP emphasizes STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education, aiming to establish more STEM schools across the country and integrate STEM into the curriculum from the basic level. They plan to build more STEM centers and provide resources to encourage interest in these fields.

The NDC also supports STEM education, with plans to incorporate it into the national curriculum at all levels of education. They propose establishing specialized STEM institutions and providing the necessary infrastructure and training to support STEM education.

Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)

The NPP focuses on enhancing TVET, integrating it fully into the educational system, and aligning it with industry needs. They plan to upgrade existing TVET institutions, provide state-of-the-art equipment, and establish more TVET centers to equip students with practical skills for the job market.

The NDC emphasizes the importance of TVET in job creation and plans to revamp and expand TVET institutions across the country. They aim to make TVET more attractive by providing modern equipment, updating curricula, and offering incentives to students and teachers in the technical and vocational fields.

Teacher Training and Welfare

The NPP plans to continue improving teacher training and professional development programs. They aim to enhance teacher welfare by providing better salaries, benefits, and working conditions. They also plan to introduce digital literacy training for teachers to align with the digitalization of education.

The NDC focuses on improving teacher welfare by addressing salary delays, ensuring timely promotions, and providing continuous professional development. They also propose a special allowance for teachers in rural and underserved areas to attract and retain quality educators in these regions.

Digital Education

The NPP aims to expand digital education by integrating ICT into the curriculum at all levels, providing students with access to digital learning resources, and ensuring all schools are equipped with internet access and modern technology.

The NDC also emphasizes digital education, with plans to bridge the digital divide by providing ICT resources to schools, especially in rural areas. They propose training teachers in digital literacy and developing online educational platforms to support remote learning.

Infrastructure Development

The NPP plans to continue investing in educational infrastructure, including building new schools, expanding existing facilities, and providing modern equipment and resources. They aim to eliminate the double-track system by expanding infrastructure to accommodate more students.

The NDC focuses on upgrading educational infrastructure, particularly in rural and underserved areas. They plan to build new classrooms, laboratories, and dormitories to eliminate the double-track system and improve the learning environment.

Inclusive Education

The NPP is committed to promoting inclusive education, ensuring that children with disabilities and special needs have access to quality education. They plan to provide resources, training, and support to schools to accommodate these students effectively.

The NDC also emphasizes inclusive education, with plans to support children with disabilities by providing specialized facilities, training teachers in special education, and ensuring that all schools are accessible to students with disabilities.

Curriculum Review

The NPP proposes a continuous curriculum review to align education with the needs of the job market and global trends. They aim to make education more relevant by including practical and technical skills in the curriculum.

The NDC plans a comprehensive curriculum review to make education more relevant and responsive to the needs of society. They emphasize the inclusion of life skills, civic education, and entrepreneurship in the curriculum to prepare students for the future.

Higher Education Research and Development

The NPP plans to promote research and development in higher education by providing more funding for research institutions and encouraging partnerships between universities and industries. They aim to make Ghana a hub for research and innovation in Africa.

The NDC supports research and development in higher education, proposing to increase funding for research projects and establish centers of excellence in key fields. They also plan to encourage collaboration between universities and the private sector to drive innovation.


This table provides a comprehensive comparison of the healthcare policies proposed by the NPP and NDC in their 2024 manifestos, highlighting their approaches to improving healthcare access, quality, and outcomes for all Ghanaians.


Table: Healthcare Focus of NPP and NDC

Policy Area

NPP Manifesto

NDC Manifesto

Universal Healthcare Coverage

The NPP is committed to achieving Universal Healthcare Coverage (UHC) by expanding the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) and improving access to healthcare services across the country.

The NDC also aims to achieve Universal Healthcare Coverage, with a focus on ensuring that all citizens have access to affordable and quality healthcare through an expanded and more efficient NHIS.

NHIS Enhancement

The NPP plans to further strengthen the NHIS by increasing funding, reducing out-of-pocket payments, and ensuring timely reimbursement to service providers. They also aim to integrate digital technology into the NHIS to improve efficiency.

The NDC proposes to review and expand the NHIS to cover more services and include all citizens, especially the vulnerable. They aim to make the NHIS more responsive to the needs of the population and reduce financial barriers to accessing healthcare.

Healthcare Infrastructure

The NPP focuses on completing the Agenda 111 project, which involves building 111 new district hospitals, regional hospitals, and specialized healthcare facilities to improve access to healthcare across the country.

The NDC plans to invest in healthcare infrastructure by upgrading existing facilities, building new hospitals, especially in underserved areas, and expanding the capacity of healthcare facilities to provide specialized services.

Primary Healthcare

The NPP emphasizes the importance of primary healthcare, aiming to expand and improve primary healthcare centers across the country to ensure that basic healthcare services are accessible to all.

The NDC also prioritizes primary healthcare, with plans to strengthen the primary healthcare system, ensuring that every community has access to basic healthcare services and reducing the burden on secondary and tertiary hospitals.

Maternal and Child Health

The NPP plans to improve maternal and child health services by increasing the number of healthcare facilities that offer these services and providing more training and resources to healthcare workers. They aim to reduce maternal and infant mortality rates.

The NDC focuses on enhancing maternal and child health by expanding access to prenatal and postnatal care, providing free maternal healthcare services, and implementing programs to reduce maternal and infant mortality rates.

Mental Health

The NPP aims to integrate mental health into the mainstream healthcare system, improving access to mental health services and reducing the stigma associated with mental illness. They plan to upgrade mental health facilities and provide more training for mental health professionals.

The NDC places a strong emphasis on mental health, proposing to invest in mental health infrastructure, provide free mental healthcare services, and implement public education campaigns to raise awareness and reduce stigma. They also plan to ensure that mental health services are available at all levels of the healthcare system.

Healthcare Workforce

The NPP plans to improve the healthcare workforce by increasing the number of healthcare professionals, providing continuous training and development, and improving the working conditions and incentives for healthcare workers.

The NDC also emphasizes the need to strengthen the healthcare workforce, with plans to recruit more healthcare professionals, improve salaries and working conditions, and provide opportunities for professional development and specialization.

Telemedicine and Digital Health

The NPP promotes the use of telemedicine and digital health to expand access to healthcare services, especially in remote areas. They plan to implement digital health platforms to connect patients with healthcare providers and improve healthcare delivery.

The NDC supports the adoption of telemedicine and digital health solutions to improve access to healthcare, particularly in rural and underserved areas. They propose to integrate digital health technologies into the healthcare system to enhance service delivery and patient outcomes.

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies

The NPP plans to improve the availability and affordability of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies by supporting local production and reducing dependence on imports. They aim to establish a national drug distribution system to ensure consistent supply across the country.

The NDC also focuses on increasing the availability of pharmaceuticals and medical supplies, with plans to support local pharmaceutical industries, improve the distribution of medicines, and ensure that essential drugs are available at all healthcare facilities.

Public Health and Disease Prevention

The NPP emphasizes public health and disease prevention, with plans to implement nationwide vaccination programs, strengthen disease surveillance systems, and promote healthy lifestyles through public health campaigns.

The NDC also prioritizes public health and disease prevention, proposing to expand immunization programs, enhance disease surveillance, and implement comprehensive public health education campaigns to prevent the spread of communicable and non-communicable diseases.


This table provides a detailed comparison of the infrastructure development policies proposed by the NPP and NDC in their 2024 manifestos, highlighting their approaches to improving and expanding infrastructure across various sectors in Ghana.


Table: Infrastructure Development Focus of NPP and NDC

Policy Area

NPP Manifesto

NDC Manifesto

Overall Infrastructure Strategy

The NPP emphasizes a comprehensive infrastructure development strategy, focusing on completing ongoing projects and initiating new ones to support economic growth. Their approach includes enhancing transportation, healthcare, education, and digital infrastructure.

The NDC also prioritizes infrastructure development, with a focus on revamping existing infrastructure and undertaking new projects in key sectors like transportation, energy, healthcare, and urban development. Their strategy is aimed at creating jobs and improving living standards.

Transportation Infrastructure

The NPP plans to continue expanding and modernizing road networks, including highways, bridges, and urban roads. They also focus on completing ongoing projects like the Eastern Corridor Road and developing new road projects across the country. Additionally, the NPP is committed to improving railway infrastructure, including the completion of the Accra-Kumasi railway line and expanding the railway network to other regions. They also emphasize the development of aviation infrastructure, including upgrading regional airports and building new ones.

The NDC plans to invest heavily in transportation infrastructure, with a focus on constructing and rehabilitating roads in both urban and rural areas. They aim to improve connectivity between regions and enhance road safety. The NDC also proposes a significant investment in railway infrastructure, including completing existing railway projects and expanding the network to new areas. They plan to revamp the aviation sector by upgrading existing airports and constructing new ones, particularly in under-served regions.

Energy Infrastructure

The NPP aims to enhance energy infrastructure by expanding the national grid, investing in renewable energy projects, and improving the reliability of power supply. They plan to complete ongoing energy projects and initiate new ones to ensure energy security and support industrial growth.

The NDC emphasizes the development of energy infrastructure, with plans to expand access to electricity, particularly in rural areas. They propose increasing investments in renewable energy and modernizing existing power plants to ensure a stable and reliable power supply. The NDC also plans to improve the efficiency of the national grid and reduce transmission losses.

Healthcare Infrastructure

The NPP focuses on completing the Agenda 111 project, which involves constructing 111 new district hospitals, regional hospitals, and specialized healthcare facilities. They also plan to upgrade existing healthcare infrastructure and ensure that all regions have access to quality healthcare facilities.

The NDC plans to invest in healthcare infrastructure by upgrading existing hospitals, constructing new ones in under-served areas, and expanding healthcare facilities to provide specialized services. They emphasize ensuring that all citizens have access to quality healthcare facilities, regardless of their location.

Educational Infrastructure

The NPP aims to expand and improve educational infrastructure by building new schools, expanding existing ones, and providing modern equipment and resources. They focus on eliminating the double-track system in SHS by increasing school capacity and enhancing tertiary education infrastructure.

The NDC emphasizes the need to improve educational infrastructure, particularly in rural and under-served areas. They plan to build new classrooms, laboratories, and dormitories to accommodate more students and provide a conducive learning environment. The NDC also proposes upgrading existing educational institutions to meet modern standards.

Water and Sanitation Infrastructure

The NPP is committed to improving water and sanitation infrastructure by expanding access to clean water and improving sanitation facilities across the country. They plan to complete ongoing water projects and initiate new ones to ensure that all citizens have access to clean water and proper sanitation.

The NDC prioritizes water and sanitation infrastructure, with plans to expand access to clean water in rural and urban areas, improve sanitation facilities, and reduce waterborne diseases. They propose increasing investments in water infrastructure and upgrading existing sanitation systems to meet the needs of a growing population.

Urban Development and Housing

The NPP plans to continue developing affordable housing projects, including rent-to-own schemes, to address the housing deficit. They also focus on urban renewal projects, improving public spaces, and enhancing infrastructure in urban areas to support economic activities and improve living standards.

The NDC focuses on urban development and housing by proposing the construction of social housing projects to address the housing needs of low-income earners. They also plan to undertake urban renewal projects, improve infrastructure in slums, and develop sustainable cities with modern amenities.

Digital Infrastructure

The NPP emphasizes the development of digital infrastructure as part of their broader digitalization agenda. They plan to expand high-speed internet access across the country, particularly in rural areas, and develop digital hubs and smart cities to support the digital economy.

The NDC also supports the expansion of digital infrastructure, with a focus on improving internet connectivity, particularly in under-served areas. They propose upgrading the national ICT backbone, expanding access to digital services, and integrating technology into public service delivery.

Industrial and Economic Zones

The NPP plans to establish and expand industrial and economic zones across the country to promote industrialization and create jobs. They focus on developing infrastructure within these zones to attract investment and support local industries.

The NDC proposes to develop industrial and economic zones as part of their strategy to boost industrialization and create jobs. They plan to provide the necessary infrastructure, including roads, power, and water, to make these zones attractive to investors and support local businesses.

Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)

The NPP promotes the use of public-private partnerships (PPPs) to finance and develop infrastructure projects, particularly in sectors like transportation, energy, and housing. They aim to leverage private sector expertise and investment to accelerate infrastructure development.

The NDC also supports public-private partnerships (PPPs) as a means of financing and developing infrastructure projects. They propose creating an enabling environment for PPPs, with a focus on transparency and accountability to ensure that infrastructure projects are delivered efficiently and sustainably.


This table provides a detailed comparison of the women and girls policies proposed by the NPP and NDC in their 2024 manifestos

Table: Support for Women and Girls Focus of NPP and NDC


Policy Area

NPP Manifesto

NDC Manifesto

Affirmative Action

Implement the full Affirmative Action Act recently enacted.

Mandate a minimum 30% quota for women in all political appointments.

Economic Empowerment

Establish a Women’s Trade Empowerment Fund (WoTEF) to support women-owned businesses.

Establish a Women’s Development Bank to support women-led and women-owned businesses with low-interest loans.

Maternity and Childcare

Promote and protect women’s rights in the workplace, including enforcing existing maternity leave regulations.

Review the Labour Act 2003 to mandate four months of paid maternity leave and other legal maternity provisions.

Education and Scholarships

Ensure gender parity in the award of government scholarships and provide incentives for female education.

Provide educational scholarships, vocational training, and enterprise development support for Kayayei.

Health and Social Support

Further improve the maternal health care program.

Facilitate the establishment of 16 regional shelters for victims of gender-based violence and provide free sanitary pads to female students in basic and secondary schools.

Protection from Violence

Enforce sexual harassment laws and improve daycare access for working mothers.

Develop a ‘Survivors Care Kit’ for victims of gender-based violence, including free legal services, medical examinations, and mental healthcare services.


This table provides a detailed comparison of the environmental protection policies proposed by the NPP and NDC in their 2024 manifestos.

Policy Area

NPP Manifesto

NDC Manifesto

Forests and Biodiversity

Enhance the protection of forests and biodiversity hotspots and restore forests through reforestation programs targeting 30,000 hectares annually.

Ban new mining activities in forest reserves, implement a ‘Tree for Life’ reforestation policy, and reclaim lands degraded by illegal mining.

Water Resources

Protect and preserve water resources by enforcing Water Use Regulations and managing water basins effectively.

Implement the Blue Water Initiative to heal and harness the environment by turning areas degraded by illegal mining into recovery hubs.

Small-Scale Mining

Promote responsible and sustainable small-scale mining, simplify the licensing regime, and scale up the use of mercury-free technology.

Wage a ruthless war against illegal mining, amend the Mineral and Mining Law for stiffer punishments, and set up Ghana Gold Board (GOLDBOD) for regulation.

Reforestation and Plantation Development

Establish 1,000 hectares of bamboo and rattan plantations annually for watershed protection.

Resource the Geological Survey Department for geological investigation and prioritise Ghana’s stake in its extractive industry.

Pollution Control

Use technology to reduce the environmental impact of small-scale mining and protect surface and underground water sources.

Compel small-scale miners to undertake skills training in land reclamation techniques as part of their operations to minimise adverse environmental impacts.


This table provides a detailed comparison of the housing policies proposed by the NPP and NDC in their 2024 manifestos.

Policy Area

NPP Manifesto

NDC Manifesto

Social Housing

NPP plans to provide public lands within main cities to private developers, with a mandate to set aside 20%-30% for low-income social housing units with subsidized rents.

NDC plans to construct housing units and refurbish dilapidated ones across the country, as well as establish Armed Forces Home Ownership Schemes.

Affordable Housing

NPP aims to include District Housing projects through incentives to the private real estate industry and expand services of State Housing Company (SHC), TDC, and National Homeownership Fund (NHF).

NDC emphasizes constructing housing units for the Armed Forces and refurbishing dilapidated and abandoned units across the country.

Housing Finance

NPP plans to improve housing finance through expanding the mortgage market and rent-to-own schemes. They also propose to use a variety of ways to deliver access to different types of accommodation.

NDC did not specifically mention expanding mortgage markets or rent-to-own schemes but focused on construction and refurbishment.


The “Big Push” is a significant initiative in the NDC’s 2024 manifesto that focuses on accelerating national infrastructure development to boost economic growth and create jobs. Key elements of this initiative include:

  1. US$10 Billion Accelerated Infrastructure Plan: The NDC plans to embark on an ambitious infrastructure development program worth US$10 billion. This initiative will prioritise completing uncompleted and abandoned government infrastructure projects across all sectors.

  2. Revamp the Ghana Infrastructure Investment Fund (GIIF): The fund will be revitalised to undertake strategic self-financing projects, driving job creation and national transformation.

  3. Water Supply Systems Expansion: The plan includes constructing, rehabilitating, and expanding water supply systems to ensure sustainable and equitable access to clean and safe water for all communities.

  4. Railway Development: The NDC plans to revamp the Western Corridor rail line, reconstruct the Eastern Corridor rail line, and develop urban inner-city light rail systems in Accra and other major cities. This aims to enhance the transportation of bulk cargo, passengers, and integrate inner-city mobility.

  5. Road Development: The initiative includes developing and improving major road corridors, trunk roads, feeder roads, and urban roads, including the Golden Triangle highway and several outer ring roads, to ease traffic flow in major cities.

  6. Agriculture and Water Management: Plans to develop multi-purpose dams like Nasia, Nabogu, and Pwalugu to support year-round agriculture, address the Bagre Dam spillage disaster, and improve water management.

The “Big Push” aims to drive job creation, stimulate economic growth, and improve infrastructure nationwide.


The article was written by Williams Kwasi Peprah, Associate Professor of Finance, Andrews University Berrien Springs, MI, USA

Email: peprah@andrews.edu


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